Christmas Morning 2014


The weather stations were forecasting snow for Christmas Morning.  We took the news with a grain of salt because the whole month of December has been, with the exception of a few drizzles, dry.   The mountains all around us got all the snow but not the valleys and foothills.

We woke up Christmas Morning to five inches of the fluffiest white blanket. We giggled.  (We’re living with a six year old).   We ran to the windows and then the doors in wonder. It was a gift!  We were grateful.  Through the day, it snowed another eight inches.

My husband’s grandfather started a tradition that my husband treasures.   He would call Christmas morning (no Caller ID at the time).  When my husband answered “hello”  his grandpa would say “Christmas gift”.  That meant he had to give him an extra gift, usually hugs when he saw him.

But the game was:  saying it first.  So all of the calls that day were answered “Christmas gift” instead of “hello”.  Some callers were very surprised and certain they had the wrong number.  This went on for over 50 years until his grandpa died at 100 years of age.

It was a very special link between a boy and his grandpa…..and then between a man and his grandpa. Now, it’s a memory…..a gift!   He is so grateful.

Through the day today, we’ve enjoyed the snow and the blessing of family and family traditions.  I kept noticing these bright Christmassy red geraniums and their vibrant green leaves.  Through the window behind them I could see the snow covered tree branches and bushes.  What a contrast!  Inside we are protected, warm and cozy, and outside it’s freezing and harsh!  There are gifts everywhere we look.

And, yes, we’re so grateful.

One thought on “Christmas Morning 2014

  1. I didn’t realize exactly where that tradition came from. I am so glad that your husband has continued it on! Is that good grammar? 🙂

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