Keeping Up With My Own Evolution: Contradiction

Salvador Dali was recently quoted in a fashion magazine.  “You have to systematically create confusion, it sets creativity free.  Everything that is contradictory creates life.”

I’d love to have a conversation with Sal.  I see no benefit to confusion. I prefer in my own life to feel clear, clear about choices, observations and especially clear about my feelings.  I think creativity is unleashed in moments of clarity.  I’m not aware of receiving any brilliant ideas in moments of confusion, only muddied paralysis.

Perhaps my disagreement with him is in assuming that he is equating confusion with contradiction.  Because. in one respect I agree.  In fact, I believe that life is contradiction.  Everything about life is contradictory.  And…..contradiction gives life, fuels life and enriches it.  Contradiction not only breathes energy, enthusiasm and fresh air into life, life cannot, does not, exist without contradiction.

Without contradiction there can be no choice.  I’m a big proponent of choice; so, bring on the contradiction!  Put two dissimilar things side by side and a choice will be made.  But, put two objects that are the same side by side and what is the point?  Bring on the contrast. It’s the contrast that makes life rich, makes a painting readable and debates interesting.

Most likely, if we were to discuss all of this in person, we would come to some kind of agreement.  His quote was taken out of context, after all.  I enjoy his paintings because they are thought provoking.  I can only guess at what point he was trying  to make or…..if in his own individual perception he was just sharing his own personal observations and realizations in a way that would shock the viewer into taking a closer look.

My point:  I want to enjoy contradiction.  I want to listen and question and enjoy without needing to make any kind of a judgement.  Confusion, not so much!