Amu Plaza, Kagoshima Chuo Station


Korea Japan February 2016 047

I have such respect for bullet trains in Japan.  They’re so comfortable.  The seats are large and comfy.  They zoom along at 250 miles per hour so smoothly and quietly, whoosh, the countryside just swishes by.  When the train approaches a station, a very pleasant voice calmly lets you know it’s time to gather your belongings and line up at the door.

Lining up at the door is essential, because when the train stops, the door slides open for 45 seconds.  Think about it.  How many things do you do in 45 seconds?  Hopefully, anyone ahead of you in line will move quickly through the door and out of the way so that those following will have time to do the same.  Because, 45 seconds later the door closes and the train starts accelerating.  Wow!  Talk about efficiency!

I recently heard about a travelling mother, in a similar circumstance, telling her children: “Hocus, Pocus, Focus”!  I love that. It’s such a concise message. It certainly applies in this case.  Pay attention.  There’s no time to dawdle.

Korea Japan Jan-Feb 2016 032

The Amu Plaza terminal building is a huge mall with 190 restaurants and stores.  Commuters can relax and have a steak or quickly find anything from that item they’d forgotten to sushi, sandwiches, snacks, coffee, or bottled drinks to enjoy on the train; plus, local specialty sweets and souvenirs.  To top it all off, see a movie in the 10 multiplex theatres and check out the ferris wheel on the sixth floor.  It’s so dramatic!  Bullet trains in Japan are the best!