Red Cars, Green Cars


I often wonder what would the freeway look like if all of the cars carrying divorcing people were red, all those just suffering  the death of a loved one drove green cars, everyone on drugs drove black cars and murderers’ cars were turquoise.  Then we would know what we’re dealing with.

What if as you drove down a street the roofs of the houses would turn colors and let you know which of them housed lonely elderly people, struggling single parents, abused children or spouses, criminals, newlyweds, celebrations and orgys.  What if apartment doors turned colors to alert you to medical emergencies or…..well you get my drift…..and I am drifting.

Did you see the movie “Eat, Pray, Love”?  Julia Robert’s character was feeling guilt and remorse over a failed marriage and was told by Richard Jenkins’ character whenever she thought of her ex to send him light and love.  My interpretation was that this would help her let go of something out of her control, give him comfort and healing and allow herself to heal and feel loved.

I believe that sending light and love to others… plants, to animals, to people, raises their vibrations and also heals and enriches us.  So I’m suggesting that we all send love to the red cars, the green cars, everyone and everything around us.  Let’s see if we can change the world by sending light and love out and then watch in wonder as it comes back to us.  It would be so nice if all of the cars we pass had a back seat full of balloons.