Tag Archives: halloween

Skulls Are Like Chocolates

One day last October, I walked my regular route up and down the hills in my neighborhood enjoying the fall colors and the crisp, cool air.  Many homes were decorated for Halloween so there were lots of pumpkins on porches and cobwebs stretched across doorways.

As I passed one home, the lawn decorations caught my eye…..crawling out of the ground was this happy-go-lucky gentleman, his fingers clawing at  the grass as he laughed at me.  I smiled back and asked him to pose for a picture. I explained that I wanted to paint his portrait.  He didn’t object.  In fact, he even held his pose as I walked around him to get a good shot and even as I finally disappeared down the street and around the corner.

For some reason his happy demeanor begged for bright colors.  Once I got started, he was mesmerizing.  His bone structure, his pearly whites, that glint in his eye kept my brush moving around his head.  I thought dark hollows would be more appropriate but no…..he was on fire.

Phosphorescence 22"x30"
Phosphorescence 22″x30″

I have found that skulls are like chocolates.  I can’t paint just one. By the time, I got mid-way through Phosphorescence, I already had another drawing finished.  It’s so much fun to have a subject become so interesting that the ideas just keep coming.

It’s infectious.  One by one, these skulls have materialized.  I know their thoughts, amusements and intentions.  I’m excited about their futures.

I have one final skull in the works.  David Bowie just died in January.  I’ve enjoyed watching tributes to him by Lady Gaga, Madonna, Elton John and Jimmy Fallon.  And, so, my offering will be a paean to David Jones, Bowie and Ziggy Stardust.

We all need a little witch!

There are days when in just a few seconds everything changes.  I can think of a few in my life that involve accidents, phone calls advising of deaths and births and even a conversation at what  was supposed to be a lovely lunch.

The whole month of October,  the hills all around me were so stunningly beautiful,  I couldn’t stay inside.  Every errand I started out on ended up sidetracked by some vignette that begged to be recorded.  A wild gang of turkeys was so intriguing that my husband and I stalked them for half a mile for some good pictures.  The deer sauntered in and out of the turkeys totally uninterested in them or in us.  Magical.

Then, there was the day right before Halloween when I gave in to the pleading “can we go to the park”.  It was afternoon.  The sun was low in the sky.  The light was hazy.  The shafts of light coming through the trees looked like spotlights here and there.  We moved in and out of groves of trees taking pictures.  Then all of a sudden a little witch darted in and out of the bushes laughing and screeching “look at me”.  I laughed and laughed.  What a surprise!  The murky shroud of loss that I had allowed to cover me had lifted…and evaporated.  I need to laugh more.  We all need to laugh more. ” We all need a little witch!”

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