Tag Archives: Mother Nature

Springtime in the Rockies

Five days ago I was in the Dominican Republic on the east coast in Bavaro and Punta Cana.  Palm Trees lined the beaches and streets.  The sand was white and fine and felt wonderful between my toes.  The sun was dazzling and the blues, turquoises and aquas of the sky and water were breathtaking and took my breath for sure.

I wanted to bottle the air, the breeze, the sand, the sun, the feeling of warmth and salt and freedom.  What a marketable product that would make.  I wouldn’t even put a label on it.  I’d just let it beguile the purchaser all by itself.  Who could resist?

As I drove to the airport, I said “goodbye palm trees”, “goodbye beach”, “goodbye clean, clear ocean”.  I felt a tinge of sadness.  I arrived home after midnight.  It was dark.  I had no idea what I would see the next morning.  But, I sort of knew, because it’s March in Utah.  Utah is a desert and so grey, brown and drab after the snow melts.

Morning came and the was sun shinning.   That was a plus.  As I moved around the house and looked out the windows, bright spots of color caught my eye.  I had to grab my camera and head out for a walk to see what was happening.

Forsythia, pink and white plum trees, crocus and new growth on the rose bushes. Most every tree and bush is coming to life.  It’s Spring!  It’s Springtime in the Rockies.

The crocus are timidly showing and the daffodils are exploding.  The peonies, ground cover and tulips are peeking through.  Even my lilac trees are budding.

Yes, I miss the tropics.  But there is a lot to be said about the change of seasons and the dry air of the desert.  That is the majesty of our Mother Earth.  There is beauty wherever you look.  If you look, there is beauty everywhere.

More Polka Dots

I love polka dots.  They always draw the eye.  These were starlings…..hundreds of them.


It was  such a moody, grey, January  day.  The clouds kept thickening. I thought it was going to snow.  Then they thinned out and looked stretchy like maybe the sun would peek through any moment.

But an amazing thing brightened the day.  Suddenly hundreds of starlings swooped down near the trees, but it was a fake out…..they veered to the side, made circle on a 45 degree angle and then slid deftly onto the branches.  The first time they did it, I thought it might  be some kind of aberration.  I called out “come look at this…..hurry”.  But, then, as if for a curtain call, they all took to the air again, flew a circle over our neighborhood and repeated the same maneuver as if it were choreographed.

There were  so  many on a branch that their weight forced it down, then they softly bounced up and down again.  There should have been music to accompany that performance.  We all stood there mesmerized for 10…..maybe 15 minutes until they made their exit en masse.

Her Majesty just crafted a performance piece in my backyard.   Art in motion.  I love polka dots!  I love Mother Nature!