Tag Archives: Panama

The True Sign of Intelligence

I was walking down the concourse in Tocumen International Airport in Panama and there on the wall in 6″ high letters was a quote by Albert Einstein:  “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

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I’m a big fan of Albert Einstein.  I’m reading a biography of him by Ronald W. Clark.  The more I think about him, the more I see evidence of him all around me.  He died 60 years ago but he is still a major influence in our world.    Science is forever changed because of his contributions.

He said, “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.  Imagination is more important than knowledge.  Knowledge is limited.  Imagination encircles the world.”

I think it’s so interesting that he said so much about imagination and about knowledge.  He left us a very clear message.  “Imagination is everything.  It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”  And…..”The true sign of intelligence  is not knowledge but imagination.”

Is it just me or is that an encouragement and even a challenge to let loose and be whatever you imagine yourself to be…..and discover and create your life, your future.



Let’s Shake Things Up


Taking pictures in Casco Antigua at the Plaza de la Independencia.  These photos show the Iglesia Catedral.  On the other side of the plaza are the Canal Museum and the Palacio Municipal.  The evidence of the attempts to build the canal and the countries involved are all over Panama City.  Even now, a new, huge expansion is under construction.

The ruins are all over “Old Town” and the restorations are all mixed in with them.

A guide, looking to drum up some business, joined us at our lunch table near the plaza.  He was born a “Panazonian”.  Because he was born in the canal zone, he went to American schools, learned english and was an American citizen.  He sat and talked with us as he eyed the crowds for possible clients.  We enjoyed his stories.

He  told us the high prices in Panama were our fault because Americans don’t haggle…..we just pay the first amount quoted.  He gave us a 30 minute education for free.  We had to admit, he was right.  He had lots of observations that have given us food for thought ever since.  That’s a good thing right?

Maybe I should change my motto to:  “Let’s shake things up!”


As we were walking along the beach at Playa Coronado, a Canadian gentleman walking a dog approached.  We exchanged pleasantries for a few minutes and then asked him to recommend a good restaurant in the area. ” Lunarossa” was his emphatic reply.  “It’s an Italian restaurant”.  In Panama?  As we discovered, there are many Italians in Panama, many Italian restaurants, and many Canadians.

As we approached Lunarossa through a blooming arbor, Lisa, the owner, greeted us and made us comfortable.  We hadn’t even reached the door.   It felt as if we were in her home.  She makes fresh mozzarella every morning…..fresh pasta, fresh everything.

I get all excited when certain elements come together.  The patio was a large palapa complete with fans and soft lighting.  The music was Italian.  The palapa was surrounded with palm trees and fuschia bougainvillea.  The atmosphere alone would bring me back.  But, the food was so good:  the mozzarella and ripe tomatoes drizzled with olive oil and white balsamic vinegar; the pizza, so light and fresh; the lobster caught that morning and pan sauteed potatoes; pannacotta with caramel…..we came back several times.  Yum.  Lick my lips.

Our last evening there, my husband had the most wonderful dish.  It was King Crab Tagliatinni, a house specialty.  My salmon was delicious. But, Lynn’s crab was velvety, rich, full of crab and the most delicate sauce served in the crab shell.  It was spectacular.

Thank you Lisa and the guys at Lunarossa.  We have such fond memories of our time with you.