Tag Archives: starlings

More Polka Dots

I love polka dots.  They always draw the eye.  These were starlings…..hundreds of them.


It was  such a moody, grey, January  day.  The clouds kept thickening. I thought it was going to snow.  Then they thinned out and looked stretchy like maybe the sun would peek through any moment.

But an amazing thing brightened the day.  Suddenly hundreds of starlings swooped down near the trees, but it was a fake out…..they veered to the side, made circle on a 45 degree angle and then slid deftly onto the branches.  The first time they did it, I thought it might  be some kind of aberration.  I called out “come look at this…..hurry”.  But, then, as if for a curtain call, they all took to the air again, flew a circle over our neighborhood and repeated the same maneuver as if it were choreographed.

There were  so  many on a branch that their weight forced it down, then they softly bounced up and down again.  There should have been music to accompany that performance.  We all stood there mesmerized for 10…..maybe 15 minutes until they made their exit en masse.

Her Majesty just crafted a performance piece in my backyard.   Art in motion.  I love polka dots!  I love Mother Nature!