Tag Archives: teddy bears

I Live With Lots Of Teddy Bears


Teddy Bears make fabulous artist’s models.  They are so patient.  They’ll sit there in the same pose for hours and never complain.  In fact, they seem to enjoy it.  They don’t need to fuss with their hair or makeup and seldom ask for a glass of water.  They never make comments about how the painting isn’t a good likeness or their eyes are too close together.

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Teddy Bears make wonderful family members.  First of all, they don’t judge.  They never leave their stuff strewn about the house.  They’re good listeners and they always have plenty of time when you need to talk.  They don’t talk behind your back.  Or if they do…..they’re very discrete about it.

When others rush off to prior commitments just when you have a few minutes to sit down and watch The Good Wife on TV, Teddy Bears are always companionable and willing to cuddle up on the couch.  And then there’s my husband.  He’s the biggest Teddy Bear of them all.

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The only problem is that after a while, even Teddy Bears yearn for the rowdy, hustle and bustle, of family life.  The running in and out of the doors, the car and the dialogue at the fridge…..”isn’t there any orange juice?”