Tag Archives: be vulnerable

Live With An Open Heart

Have you noticed that when you become aware of an idea that hits a nerve at a particular moment, you find that idea popping into your thoughts often?  And….. it seems the universe draws information to you that expands on it?  It’s like driving down the freeway and every other billboard has the same message for you, some right in your face and some very subtle so that it takes some time before you realize what you’ve just taken in.

I’ve been thinking so much lately about being vulnerable.

I was flipping through Instyle Magazine and saw a quote attributed to Jessica Chastain that caused me to stop and think.  She said, “You have to live with an open heart all the time–that’s how you’re going to have connections with people.”

Is that even possible?  To live with an open heart all the time.

I think of “being open” as being open to new ideas, new perspectives.  That seems like a brain function…..not a heart function.  Although there is a brain-heart connection.  The brain cannot live without the blood the heart sends to it.  I’m no scientist; but, it seems to me that our thoughts, our emotions and our imaginations are all intertwined.


Britta Wetteskind shared this on facebook.  I love it.  Try this heart opening exercise:  “Imagine that there is a light in your upper chest near your heart, growing brighter and brighter, radiating.  Breathe slowly and deeply, filling your lungs with air.  Now let the light have a nice steady glow, like the glow you see from a candle, only much larger.  Let it become more radiant and begin to surround your whole body.  That’s it, the sensation you’re getting in your chest is all right, that is your heart opening.  Now imagine sending a beam from this glowing area to someone or something you want to share love with.  There you go, that’s love.”

These thoughts may seem a bit disconnected to you;  but, the message I received and the message I share with you is that being vulnerable…..or…..living with an open heart, will allow our thoughts, emotions and imagination to enable us to experience happiness.  Think about it.

Be Vulnerable


Joseph Raffael told a story about his daughter coming into his studio while he was looking at pictures he’d taken trying to choose the subject of his next painting. She told him she was sick of water lilies and asked when he was going to paint something else.

He let her choose his next subject. It was a rose. He had taken pictures of roses for years but since “men” didn’t paint roses, he never had.  He said “it’s one thing to paint water lilies, they’re symbols–transcendental–metaphysical–but how could I paint a rose”.

He painted the picture she chose and now it’s one of his favorites.   Then he commented:   “the point is that, in order for me to be my whole self as an artist and as a person, I have to  open up those parts that are most vulnerable”.

I recently attended a CEO Space Conference with my husband expecting a two week vacation in the sun while he networked with other business people.

But…..I spent every meal with 6-7 other entrepreneurs and a faculty member and lasted 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  The focus was on cooperating rather than competing and helping each one of us crystallize our purpose and formulate specific steps to achieve our goals.

The whole process was a giant wake up call for me.  In the beginning, I couldn’t even articulate what I wanted.  I didn’t know what I wanted. How sad is that?  As I soul searched through the first days…..imagine spending six hours a day with coaches and mentors eager to help you find yourself, not your facade but your real self.  Then, between meals were hours of workshops and seminars.

I kept looking around the different venues, at all of the accomplished people around me, feeling alone.  Feeling less. But, as I made friends and heard others’ stories, I realized we were all the same. Yes, some of us were more composed and confident at the moment. But, life has a way of presenting ups and downs…..challenges and solutions.

At the graduation ceremony , Berny Dohrmann, the CEO and Chairman, thanked us for being vulnerable!  I sat there for a moment, struck by that statement and realized that’s what had happened.  He had created an environment that was safe and all inclusive as well as stimulating…..energizing.  Creativity blossomed all around me.  This large group of people had let down their barriers and become vulnerable to one another. It was amazing!  I felt amazing!

That experience is why I’m blogging…..why I’m painting again.  That’s why you’re seeing my paintings on my blog.  That’s why I’m loving life again. The message I received and the message I pass along to you is “be real, be you, be vulnerable.”001