Tag Archives: New Year’s Resolution 2016

Rendezvous Of Perfection

I’ve been thinking about perfection…..striving for it…..but, not believing in it.  I’ve had a lifetime of thinking:  “this will be the perfect Christmas”, or “all I have to do is work harder and ‘this’ will be perfect.  Things usually turn out to be lovely, but flawed in this way or that.  Perfection always lies in perception, right?  Life always enters into the mix.

Occasionally I sit back and relax, look around and soak in what feels like to me….. perfection.  Sometimes it’s for just a moment and then the moment passes and it’s gone.  Other times is lasts a while…..like when the sun is setting and the air is sweet and all of my senses are alive with deliciousness.  Or…..walking on the beach, listening to the water and feeling it as is swirls around my feet.  Or…..looking out over snowcapped mountains, breathing in the bracingly cold air and rejoicing in the sparkling reflections of the sun on all of that pristine white.  Or…..sitting around with others talking, laughing and having fun.

Sometimes the perfection is in the combination of people that I’m with; ofttimes, it’s found in the beauty of my surroundings.  But, always, it’s a commingling of sights, sounds, smells and feelings.

I’ve come to believe that you can plan for these rendezvous of perfection, but don’t bet your shirt on the outcome.  Perfection is  serendipitous.  It’s as if Perfection is a Queen who deems Herself to be created or not.

So…..my New Year’s Resolution 2016 is:  I will strive for happiness and let Perfection dance about and present Herself when She chooses.    And when She does, I will recognized Her and revel in Her and express my appreciation for Her!

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