Tag Archives: talents

Your Greatest Happiness


Are you happy?  What makes you happy?  What stands in the way of your happiness?  Who have you assigned to be responsible for your happiness?  I often repeat the trite phrase that we all say lately…..”I am responsible for my own happiness”.  But, often, when things don’t go my way, I find myself blaming others for the way I don’t adapt and put my own priorities first.

I recently decided to get to the bottom of these questions in my own life.  Once I decided what makes me happy (not an easy task, it took some thinking), I realized what makes me happy is not what I spend most of my time doing.  Why is that?

I decided to make a list of the things I do each day and then start at the top and ask myself why I was doing “that” instead of what makes me happy.

I asked myself how many of these things are taking me where I want to go?  This is an interesting exercise.  You might want to try it and see how many things you do because you really want to and how many are because others want you to.  I’m not talking about exercising, paying bills or helping a family member or a neighbor.  Those are things I do that are in my own self interest.  They enrich my life.

I decided to get out my machete and whack away.  If the item on the list didn’t contribute to the health of my body, the health of my relationships or my goal toward happiness (for me that meant my time for painting and reading) then it was assigned to someone willing to take it on or whacked off my list.  Whoa…..that sounds harsh!

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Do you love music?  Do you play an instrument and lose track of time when you’re playing it?  Do you love to write, dance, sing, paint, work with wood, pole vault or solve equations? Do you love to use your mind/body to create harmony, beauty and interest in your own life for your own pleasure, your own happiness?  I’m beginning to think that all we need to do is define what we love to do and make what we love to do a top priority.

Join The Blogosphere!

Have you been thinking about blogging?  Do you have ideas you’d like to share?
Do you have talents you’d like to develop by joining a community of like-minded people. Blogging is a great way to express your ideas and talents. And…..it’s a great way to get feed back from others.

If you said yes, then get going.  What are you waiting for?  If you’re tech savvy, jump in.  If, like me, you have no idea how to start, then google “how to start a blog”.  I was guided to godaddy.com for my domain name and from there to wordpress.com for my blog site. They both charge a small fee.  They’re both easy to use and  enormously helpful.

The domain name, the name of my site, was a hurtle for me.  But, gradually, I realized that I’m so often in the fry zone (trying to learn something new and it fries my brain), or the worry zone, or the creative zone (where I get lost in some right brain pursuit), or sometimes just “zoned out”.   So here I am in my own little zone:  Sherrie Zone.    Give a lot of thought to your blog name.

You may have an idea of what you’d like to write about but think no one would be interested.   Holy Cow,  there are about 7,000,000,000,000 people on this planet and over 2,000,000,000,000 use the internet. (That’s billions…..did you register that?). The people interested in what you have to say will probably number in the millions.

My advice is talk like you’re telling your best friend what you have to say. Don’t worry about grammar.  I mean try your best,  but don’t sweat over grammar,  just do your best to communicate.   And….use your own vocabulary…..don’t try to sound like someone smarter than you are…..be authentic!  (That’s a phrase we’re hearing everywhere these days).

Give enough explanation so that you’re sure you’ve made your point.  Give enough description so that your reader gets a mental picture.

There are people in big cities, small rural towns and on isolated islands that are having similar challenges, similar feelings and some may  even offer you information you need to have greater insight into your own life and business.  I am constantly amazed at the people who are willing to help.

I recently became aware of a great blog:  itsbecauseithinktoomuch.com.    I like it so much because it’s obvious Adiel is sharing her passion with us.  And…..it’s obvious she’s having fun doing it!  She has a feature:  Shop My Closet.  It’s so much fun to check out all of her fashion picks.  She works for Poshmark.  Check them out too!  That’s Adiel 2nd from the right.

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Another blog I enjoy is michelleatplay.com.  Michelle shares thoughts that have me regularly saying “AMEN”.   She shares her life…..warts and all.  She doesn’t shy away from the ugly or the problematic.  And, she shares  insights and coping mechanisms that can benefit all of us.  I check in with her every day.  On Sundays, she serves up Michelle Church.  It’s worth attending.

When I was encouraged to blog, I was told just start with a thought for the day….everyday.  I’ve discovered that is such good advice because just starting is the key.  Once you start and begin to get comfortable with the mechanics, the experiences and ideas you’ll have just keep coming and you’ll get more and more excited to share them.  Come on,  join the blogosphere!